Challenge FAQ

Memorize 52 Verses in 52 Weeks

What is the 52 Week Challenge?

The challenge is simple … memorize one Bible verse per week for one year … and remember them all!  If you can recite all 52 at the end of the year, you win the challenge.  Are you ready?  If so, here’s link to the 52 Challenge Verses (and weekly posts for each verse).

How does the 52 Week Challenge work?

Starting in January we’ll post a new verse to our website each week. All you have to do is memorize the verse…and remember the verses from previous weeks. To win the challenge you must be able to recite all 52 verses at the end of the year. Read about our family’s first experience with the challenge here.

How do I get each week’s Bible verse?

In previous years we sent out the verses week by week.  Now they’re all posted here:  52 Challenge Verses

Why take the challenge?

What better way to be equipped for the challenges of life than to have God’s Word stored at the ready in our hearts and minds?  2 Timothy reminds us that all scripture is inspired by God and equips us for every good work.  Hebrews tells us that God’s Word is sharper than a two edged sword.  Psalms teaches us that God’s Word is a light unto our path as we go through life.  And  Ephesians instructs us to arm ourselves with the Sword of the Spirit, which is the very Word of God.  Awesome!

Make it Fun

Although true reward for completing the challenge is God’s wisdom, here are a couple of ideas to add to the fun
– Give the challenge as a “gift” to your children, grandchildren or friends this Christmas…and offer a reward for each verse they can recite at Christmas the next year. This is how my sister, our cousin and I took the challenge over 30 years ago. Read about it here.
– Challenge your family & friends, Sunday school class, Bible study, youth group, small group…and offer a prize or reward for reciting the verses at the end of the year.

Where did the idea for the 52 Week Challenge come from?

My sister, our cousin Will and I were given a similar challenge over 30 years ago. Read about it here