For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God – Romans 3:23 (NIV)
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; – Romans 3:23 (KJV)
Theme: God’s Plan for Salvation
For the next several weeks we’ll be memorizing foundational verses regarding God’s plan for salvation.
We all fall short. We don’t like to admit it, but that’s just the fact…not one of us can live up to God’s standard for His kingdom. Our God is Holy and perfect, and He cannot tolerate any sin…no matter how small or how large we might think that sin is.
My human (and sinful) nature sometimes tricks me into thinking “I may not be perfect, but at least I’m not as bad as that person.” But such thinking is foolish…I may as well be arguing about which one of us could come closer to jumping across the Grand Canyon (image above). One of us may jump a few inches farther than the other, but we all fall way short of the objective—woefully short.
Sin is sin — no matter how “big” or how “small” — and any sin separates us from our Holy God. We all fall short. That’s why we need a Savior.
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