In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. – Genesis 1:1 (NIV)
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. – Genesis 1:1 (KJV)
Theme: Our Awesome God
We often skip right over the first verse in our Bible, but when we do so we miss an opportunity to ponder how truly awe inspiring our God really is. Let’s take a moment to reread Genesis 1:1 and really think about what it tells us…
In the beginning of time as we know it, before the world as we know it even existed, our God created every single thing that exists around us. The heavens and the earth. Created. From nothing.
How amazing is that?
Every mountain, every atom, every ocean, every living creature, every law of physics, every tree, every grain of sand, every stone, every star, every planet, every photon of light we see, every breath of air we breathe, …
It was all created by our amazing God. Everything.
Our God is the one and only Creator, and He is truly an awesome God!
See last year’s post from Week 36 for a humorous story about creation from one of our pastors…
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So true. Genesis 1:1 seems like such a simple verse. However, when we reflect on what it means, our minds are unable to comprehend and our words cannot begin to describe the awesomeness of who God is and what He is capable of doing!!!