For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. – Matthew 6:21 (NIV)
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. – Matthew 6:21 (KJV)
Theme: Priorities
This is our 5th week on Godly priorities. Review previous posts on this theme here: Seek Him first, Love the Lord, Love your neighbor, Humble yourselves
What is your treasure?
Throughout his Sermon on the Mount Jesus encouraged his followers to focus on eternal Heavenly priorities instead of the temporary matters of this world. The portion of his message captured in Matthew 6:19-24 zeroed in on prioritizing Heavenly treasures over worldly treasures. Jesus cautioned against storing up treasures on earth, where they can be stolen or destroyed, instead of storing up treasures in Heaven, where they are everlasting. His point wasn’t that earning and saving money is wrong (to the contrary, our Bible teaches us to work diligently and be good stewards of our resources). His message was one of priorities—the pursuit of earthly treasure should never take priority over pursuit of God’s will and our eternal future in Heaven. And our priorities are illuminated by what we truly treasure…
Just one example. This morning I’ll head to church and see (literally) hundreds of people offering their time and effort leading Bible studies, taking care of our children, helping those in need, guiding people through the parking lot…just being a blessing to others. I’m sure many of these people could spend that time today working to earn more earthly treasure instead of volunteering at church, but their priority is Heavenly treasure…
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