I lift up my eyes to the mountains–where does my help come from? – Psalms 121:1 (NIV)
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. – Psalms 121:1 (KJV)
Theme: Trusting God’s Plan
In the Old Testament days when this Psalm was written, the people of Israel observed seven annual festivals in honor of God. They were the feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Weeks (aka Pentecost), Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles (aka Booths). Three of these feasts — Unleavened Bread, Weeks, and Tabernacles — were “pilgrimage” festivals, where the Israelites traveled to the Temple in Jerusalem to celebrate (see Deuteronomy 16:16 and Leviticus 23 for more on these feasts).
Bible scholars believe that the people of Israel would sing Psalm 121 as they ascended the hills that surround Jerusalem on their way to God’s Temple (which was situated on top of the hills of Jerusalem). God filled His Temple with His presence during those days, so when the travelers lifted their “eyes unto the hills,” they were looking up to the place where their God (and our God) dwelt.
Psalms 121:1 is a wonderful reminder that we also need to lift our eyes above the people and things of this earth — and look to our God in Heaven — as we ask “where does our help come from?” Next week’s verse, Psalms 121:2, provides the answer to this question. Stay tuned…
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