To answer before listening–that is folly and shame. – Proverbs 18:13 (NIV)
He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. – Proverbs 18:13 (KJV)
52 Proverbs in 52 Weeks – Week 31
This week’s theme: God’s Life Hacks, simple Biblical truths to increase the fruitfulness and happiness of our lives.
God’s Life Hack: Listen and Think Before You Speak
I hate to admit it, but I’m guilty of “answering before listening” way too often. A friend, colleague, or family member will start to tell me something, and halfway through their first sentence I’m already thinking about what I want to tell them in response. In the worst cases, I’ll actually interrupt and start blabbing my own thoughts halfway through that first sentence. Not only have I missed the opportunity to really think about and understand what’s important to them, but I’ve been rude and self-centered in the process. King Solomon has some words that apply to people like me when we act that way–“folly and shame.”
It seems like such a simple principle–listen and think before you speak–but so many of us are guilty of violating it. In school I remember my teachers saying “make sure you read the whole question before you answer,” yet there were always a few of us that didn’t follow that guidance and missed something on a test that should have been easy. Well, that principle–taking time to really understand a matter before we offers answers or opinions about it–is even more important outside of school. Every day we’re surrounded by people who could really use a listening ear: to share their joy, to seek help with a difficult situation, or just to know they have a friend who cares. What a wonderful (and really easy) opportunity to be a blessing to others! However, we can’t possibly be that supporting friend or provide sound advice if we don’t first take time to really listen. And “real” listening requires more than just hearing the words that are spoken; it requires us to engage our hearts and minds to truly understand the situation. Without that understanding, we’d just be “answering before listening.”
Listen and think before we speak…Only then can we “answereth a matter” while avoiding “folly and shame.”
Here’s a link to more verse posts on God’s Life Hacks.
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