Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! – Philippians 4:4 (NIV)
Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. – Philippians 4:4 (KJV)
Theme: Living According to God’s Word
Always. I think that’s a key word in this verse. It’s easy to be happy when things are going well. When I’ve completed a successful project or a friend has been a blessing to me, you’ll find me walking around humming my favorite praise songs with a big smile on my face. But keeping that smile and singing those same praise songs when I’m going through difficult times — well, that’s often a struggle (and too often a failure) for me. It’s during those times that I need to remember the context of Philippians 4:4. Let’s take a look…
Paul wrote these words from prison. Here he is, a faithful servant of God traveling great distances to share the good news, and he finds himself sitting in jail. I think I’d be tempted to write “why is this happening to me…this is so unfair” or something like that. But not Paul. He writes “Rejoice in the Lord always.” Then, just to make sure we got the message, he adds “and again I say: Rejoice!”
And Paul not only wrote these words, he also lived them. Just a quick review of what he’d been through — He was stoned and left for dead, whipped five different times (39 lashes each time), shipwrecked, thrown in prison twice, hunted by people who wanted to kill him, stripped and beaten with rods, betrayed, and he had an affliction (“thorn” in his flesh) that God did not heal for him. Yet, through all of it, he continued to praise God…and rejoice!
Just one example — Paul and Silas had been falsely accused, stripped, beaten and thrown into prison. What did they do? Acts 16:25 tells us:
25About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. (NIV)
They were rejoicing, even in those circumstances, and their actions led others to Christ. What an amazing example.
No matter where we are. No matter who we’re with. No matter what the circumstances. Rejoice…always! Let’s say it again…Rejoice!
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Well said, as usual !!
Philippians is one of my favorite books!!
We received this comment from one of our subscribers, and it’s right on…
Just to complete the circle, look at where Paul and Silas are when they are singing hymns in prison (Phillipi—Acts 16:12), and look at what happens when the gates are thrown open (the jailer and his whole household are saved and baptized—Acts 16:27-34).
The subsequent book of Philippians (the book of joy) is written to the church in Phillipi, which may well have been founded by, but certainly included, those saved on that night. So the words that have brought hope, joy, and encouragement to countless numbers of believers through the ages (Phil. 4:4, Phil. 4:13, Phil. 4:6, Phil. 4:19, Phil. 3:20, Phil. 2:3, Phil. 1:21, and all the rest) have a direct connection to the willingness of Paul and Silas to rejoice in all things!